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OHSSAR is Sponsoring SAR 2028 National Convention!

Ways you can support this effort monetarily....

Click on an image to learn more!


Monosnap SAR Congress Spring 2024 2028 Ohio Congre.png
Monosnap SAR Congress Spring 2024 Bailey Silver Cu.png
Monosnap SAR Congress Spring 2024 Mary Louise Holt.png
Monosnap SAR Congress Spring 2024 Boston Tea Party.png
Monosnap SAR Congress Spring 2024 Seeking 100.pdf .png

You may purchase raffle tickets by sending a check to the address below made out to "Ohio Society SAR -2028 SAR Congress Fund". The tickets are $10.00 each or 10 for $90.00.

Please mail the check to:

John H. Bredenfoerder

8751 Haverhill Lane

Cincinnati, Ohio 45236


The Congress Medals are not yet available. Hopefully, we will have them later this year, but once they are we will make you aware of how you can place an order.


Thank you for your support of the 2028 SAR Congress!

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